
Booking Calendar

Villa and Resort

Pinewood Villa Orlando is perfectly located within a 30 minute drive of all Orlando main attractions, golf courses and shopping malls. Driving is a must, so check out our Getting Here page for car hire details and see our Local Area page for a list of all attractions and links to their websites for ease of planning your vacation.

Completed in April 2003, Pinewood Villa Orlando is comfortably and luxuriously furnished and is located in the quiet gated community Hampton Lakes. Should you wish to take a day out to hit the beach, Cape Canaveral, Clearwater, Daytona, Tampa beaches as well as the Gulf of Mexico are only 90 minutes away by car.

Hampton Lakes Estates is located on Hwy. 27 just south of State Road 192. As you approach the dramatic entryway of Hampton Lakes, the entry pavilion, extensive landscaping and manicured foliage set the standard for this prestigious community of Hampton Lakes. The Hampton Lakes Community Association maintain the lawns and landscaping. Catch all the magic of the number one vacation destination in the world, without getting caught up in the traffic.

Villa Facts:

Find out more about each room in Pinewood Villa by clicking the room names on the floorplan below and check out our photo gallery for outdoor area and resort pictures.

        Master Bath       Covered Porch  Nook & Kitchen
    Master Bedroom        Great Room     





  Bedroom 3



Bath 2




            Games Room  
Master 2