Florida Weather

Spring (March - May)

Temperatures can be in; Upper 70's to 80's, with cooler evenings. Lows of possible 50's. Plenty of sunshine however spring showers are common. Swim suits, shorts and light clothing for the day. For the cooler evening; Sweaters.

Summer (June - September)

Daily temperatures are High, in the 90's. Strong sunshine. Average lows in the late afternoon, occasionally there are tropical thunderstorms in the afternoon, they tend to last for approximately thirty minutes to an hour. Visit the attractions early to avoid the midday heat. And return in the evening to enjoy the extended hours and evening fireworks displays, Light clothing and comfortable footwear.

Autumn/Fall (October - Mid December)

Ideal weather, normally in the mid 80's and Low in the mid 6o's. Plenty of sunshine with some late afternoon thunderstorms. Swim suits and light clothing during the day. Light jacket may be required for the evening.

Winter (Mid December - February)

Cooler temperatures; from late December through to January. Daily average would be the 70's. Evenings gets to the Low 50's. Swim suits and light clothing for warm afternoons, sweater or light jacket for the cooler evening.
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